5 Best Electric ATVs for Kids 2023

Electric ATVs also known all terrain vehicles and quads, have become increasingly popular for kids as they are a great way to explore the great outdoors. Kids are able to enjoy the outdoors in a safe and restricted environment as electric ATV’s come with low speed restrictions so they can still enjoy their rides without worrying about getting into potentially dangerous situations.

These vehicles come in a wide variety of sizes , making it easy for kids to find one that fits their needs and preferences. Safety features such as speed limiters and 4-wheel drive capabilities ensure that kids remain safe while exploring. With an electric ATV, kids can have a great time whilst learning valuable lessons in safety and responsibility.

With a kids electric ATV, kids can have a great time whilst learning valuable lessons in safety and responsibility.

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Razor Dirt Quad

  • Max speed 8 mph
  • Steel safety frame
  • Large knobby tires
  • Hand brake for control
  • Retractable flag for visibility
  • Fun quad styling

Offroad Mall ATV Dirt Quad

  • Speeds up to 18mph can be limited to 5.5 mph
  • Steel tube frame
  • All-terrain rubber tires
  • Seatbelts for safety
  • Parental remote control
  • Disc braking system

Razor Dirt Quad 500

  • Max speed 18 mph
  • Durable steel construction
  • Knobby air-filled tires
  • Chain driven motor
  • Retractable flag for visibility
  • Easy twist grip throttle

What are  Electric ATV for Kids?

Electric ATV for kids is a 4 wheeled vehicle that runs on rechargeable batteries instead of gasoline. They are designed for use by children and have lower speeds, installed parental controls, and other safety features to make them suitable for kids of various ages and skill levels as compared to electric ATVs for adults which are far more powerful. 

A kids electric ATV offers a more eco-friendly and quiet alternative to traditional gas-powered ATVs. They are also relatively low-maintenance and are becoming increasingly popular among parents looking for a fun and safe way for their children to explore off-road, especially if they live off-grid.

Benefits of Electric ATVs for Kids

Kids can benefit from riding an electric ATV in many ways, including the fact that they are quieter and more ecologically friendly than gas-powered ATVs. They require less upkeep, which might ultimately cost less in the long term for parents.

Younger kids should use these specific electric ATVs since they often have lower top speeds and less power than gas-powered ATVs. Children may find it simpler to learn how to ride safely as a result of their smoother and more comfortable ride.

Due to their lack of pollutants and smaller number of moving parts, electric quads are generally thought to be safer than gas-powered ones. Additionally, using an Electric ATV is a fantastic opportunity for youngsters to  enjoy the outdoors, and learn responsibility. However, compared to gas-powered equivalent, an electric ATV is typically more expensive to purchase.

Safety Considerations

Safety is a top priority when it comes to children. Parents should be aware of age restrictions and operator’s license requirements in their area, and ensure that the ATV is registered and insured.

Children should always be encouraged to wear helmets and other safety gear when riding, and parents should be aware of their liability if an accident occurs. It’s also important to check local laws and regulations, including off-road use laws and noise pollution regulations, before riding an electric ATV.

Parents should teach their children proper usage and maintenance of the ATV and also must supervise their children while they are riding. Electric ATVs also have specific safety features such as speed limiters, power cut-off switches, and parent remote control that can be used for added safety.

Features to look for in an Electric ATV for Kids

When looking for an  ATV for kids, there are a few key features to consider to ensure that the quad is safe and easy to ride.

A speed limiter, which enables parents to set a maximum speed for the ATV and is a great way to ensure that kids aren’t riding too fast. 

A power cut-off switch, which may be used to turn off the motor on the ATV if necessary, is another essential safety feature to look for. Some  also include parent remote controls, which let parents operate the vehicle from a distance and keep an eye on their childs activities.

It is important that the ATV is the right size for the child, and that it’s not too heavy for them to control. Additionally, you should look for ATVs that come with safety warning labels, safety flags and emergency shut-off switches.

The battery range  of the ATV is also important, as it will determine how long your child can ride the ATV before needing a recharge.

Finally, you should consider the overall quality and durability of the ATV, as well as the manufacturer’s reputation and customer service.

Overall, when looking for an electric ATV for kids, safety, ease of use, and reliability should be the top priorities.

Proper use and maintenance of Electric ATVs

Electric ATVs must be used and maintained properly to protect youngsters and extend their vehicle’s lifespan. When using an electric ATV, kids should always be closely watched, and their parents should show them how to operate the machine correctly. This should cover topics such as safe braking, acceleration, and turning methods. Parents should also check  that their children are wearing the proper safety gear, such as a helmet.

Reading the owner’s manual and adhering to the manufacturer’s instructions for charging, cleaning, and storage are essential for maintaining electric ATVs. Additionally, parents should regularly check the quad for wear and tear, make sure all nuts and bolts are tight and  check tire pressure regularly. 

Additionally, if the electric ATV is going to be stored for a long period of time, it’s recommended to disconnect the battery and keep it in a cool, dry place.

Tips for teaching kids to ride and ATV safely

Teaching kids to safely ride an  ATV is an important responsibility for parents.   Making sure that their kids understand the basics of riding  and the value of safety equipment . Parents should also make sure that children are physically and mentally ready to ride and that they are capable of riding the quad safely.  Parents should start with small, structured lessons on a flat, open location, such as a field or parking lot. Children can use this to practice using the vehicle’s controls and handling while also improving their riding skills.

As the child  becomes more proficient, the parents should gradually increase the difficulty of the terrain and allow the child to go a bit faster . Parents should also make sure that children understand the importance of following traffic laws, such as using hand signals and obeying speed limits, though, due to the fact that speed is limited to 10mph on these vehicles, and they are not allowed on the road, this will not be an issue. 

In addition, parents must always keep an eye on their children as they ride and ensure that they have a solid feel of their surroundings. It is also recommended that parents encourage their children to communicate any worries they may have about riding and to ask questions.

Generally speaking, starting slowly, being patient, and placing safety first are the keys to teaching youngsters to ride an electric ATV safely.

Product Selection

Below are a selection of the best electric ATVs on the market for children of various ages. at the moment there are parts shortages which are affecting availability, so if a product is not available, come back at another time to check.

Recommended for Years 8+

Razor Dirt Quad Electric Four-Wheeled Off-Road Vehicle

This electric quad is a rugged, high-performance off-road vehicle designed for adventurous riders. With its powerful electric motor, large knobby tires, and sturdy frame, the Dirt Quad is capable of tackling tough terrain and reaching speeds of up to 10 mph. Ideal for riders ages 8 and upwards.

The Dirt Quad is easy to control, with a variable-speed thumb trigger accelerator and hand-operated rear brake. With its durable construction, this electric off-road vehicle is built to last, making it the perfect choice for kids and adults alike.

recommended for years 14+

Razor Dirt Quad 500 for Kids Ages 14+

High-powered electric off-road vehicle designed specifically for kids and young adults ages 14 and up. With its powerful 500-watt motor, large knobby tires, and sturdy frame, the Dirt Quad 500 can tackle any terrain and reach speeds of up to 17 mph.

The variable-speed thumb trigger accelerator and hand-operated rear brake make it easy to control, while the adjustable riser handlebars and dual suspension system provide a comfortable and smooth ride.

recommended for 3-8 years

Rosso eQuad R Ride

Your children can experience the excitement of riding a real ATV in your back yard or in the surrounding countryside as it is built for all terrains and its large, air filled rubber tyres gives it great stability and comfort.

Child safety is paramount, speed is limited to 8mpg and this ATV comes with parental controls.

Battery life allows a ride of up to 2 hours based on a single charge.

Front and rear racks, anything from camping/fishing ger can be carried on the back, from rack gives a bit of extra protection.

Available in Blue or Pink.

recommended for 3-8 years

Rosso eQuad T Ride

Same specifications as the R Ride above, except this version does not include front and rear rack.

Your children can experience the excitement of riding a real ATV in your back yard or in the surrounding countryside as it is built for all terrains and its large, air filled rubber tyres gives it great stability and comfort. Child safety is paramount, speed is limited to 8mpg and this ATV comes with parental controls.

Available in Blue or Pink.

recommended for 10+ years

Offroad Mall 36V 1000W Electric ATV Dirt Quad 4-Wheeler for Kids

Has an effective 1KW electric motor made to support 36v of power, which features a high output torque and high efficiency of working range of 13-16 miles with its maintenance free, sealed gel AGM lead acid battery.

Maximum speed is 18mph, but this can be limited to 5.5mph.

LED Headlight, allowing you see further and clearer, increasing safety if ridden at night.

Equipped 3pcs shock, 2 front and 1 rear, the high strength and stability will give you and your child a comfortable and safe riding enjoyment .

Frequently Asked Questions

An electric ATV for kids is a smaller, less powerful version of a traditional ATV designed for children. It runs on electricity instead of gas, making it quieter and more eco-friendly.

Speeds can vary, but most electric ATVs for kids have a top speed of 2 to 10 mph, depending on the model and any speed-limiting features.

Yes, many electric ATVs are designed for off-road use, but it’s important to check the manufacturer’s specifications to ensure the ATV is suitable for the intended terrain.

Many electric ATVs come with parental control options, allowing you to set a maximum speed limit to ensure your child’s safety.

Electric ATVs require minimal maintenance compared to gas-powered ones. Charging the battery and basic checks of the tires and controls are typically all that’s needed.


Electric ATVs can be a fun and exciting way for kids to explore the outdoors, but it is crucial to approach it with safety in mind. Parents should make sure their children are old enough and skilled enough to handle the vehicle and always supervise them while riding.

By understanding the benefits, safety considerations, proper use and maintenance, and features to look for in an electric ATV, parents can make informed decisions when purchasing one. It is also important to be aware of the legal and regulatory considerations and to compare electric ATVs to gas-powered ATVs for kids.

With the right approach, electric ATVs can be a great way for kids to have fun and enjoy the outdoors, but safety should always be the top priority.

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